Namaste and Welcome to the “Golden Evening” Cultural Programme of Dhulikhel Mountain Resort. We have gathered her today to experience Nepal’s diverse culture program that evolved through centuries.

Nepal is one of the richest countries in the world in terms of culture. This is due to its unique geographical position. It is also a melting pot of two great religious traditions – Hinduism and Buddhism. The elevation of the country ranges from 60m in the Tarai (Low land) to B,B4Bm of Mount Everest. The people, their languages and their customs are as diverse as the terrain. The ethnic groups varyas much as the colorful festivals. Culture is the very pride & soul of a nation. It is just like a mirror that reflects life patterns of the people. Music and dance is a joyful expression of culture. Our program consists of popular dances and music of the major ethnic groups of Nepal, and reflects the cultural diversity of this beautiful country.

Dhulikhel Mountain Resort has, over the years of period, performed many informal cultural programs for their guests. Having received very favorable comments and suggestions about these programs, we have decided to put together an organized cu/tura/ program show for your entertainment. With better understanding of Social Corporate Responsibilities, wethe staff and the management took initiative and formed a cultural plat-form together with the youths from our near by viiiage “Khawa”. We hired a professional choreographer from Kathmandu to train members of the local community in traditional Nepalese dance methods and techniques. All necessary costumes ornaments and musical instruments were bought gradually as the team started learning various dance items and music one byone. The trainees successfully learned different authentic Nepalese cultural danee routines from various regions of Nepal.

In order to make it sustainable and acquire the legal reeognition, the’ danee troupe has been registered with the Government authority as the “Gauri Shanker Cultural Club”. Meanwhile, the resort handed over with eompliments the entire costumes, ornaments and musieal instruments to the Club. The elub now commissions the loeal danee troupe to perform eultural shows and live music in full eapacity. The Club is now eompletely free and independent; rather the resort hires the troupe each time to perform the cultural show. We have alsa promoted the dance program to other companies in Dhulikhel tourism industryto maximize the troupe’s earning potentiaı.ln selecting this actian, our resort not only increased the serviees to the clients but alsa established acardial relationship and direct link between tourists and the local community to provide a new source of revenue to the local inhabitants. We hope we will be able to give, through this program, a glimpse of these fascinating cultures found in the country.

We do hop e you will enjoy this program ealled “Golden Evening at Dhulikhel Mountain Resort”. So please join with us in our program to make it more colorful.

Thank You


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