1. WELCOME DANCE (SANGINI) : This dance is performed by a group of women on the oecasion of Teej Festival celebrated in the month of August. Women stay fasting for the whole day praying to the lord Shiva for prosperity and Longevity of their husband.

2. PANCHA BUDDHA (FIVE BUDDHAS): The Paneha Buddha (Five Buddhas) shows five transcendental Budhhism. According to Vajrayana teaching, original conseiousness, usually symbolized by Vajrasattva or vajradhara is radiated into these five Buddha’s Vairochana (The Brilliant one) Akshobhya (The unshakable), Ratnashambava (The matrix of the jewel), Amitav (the infinite light) and Amoga Siddhi (The infallible realizatian). Each has their particular pose, color and directian. Four of them are situated at the prime points if the Stupa with the fifth Vairoehana considered to reside in the center. Nevertheless, theyare not conceived as separate deities, but as the five constituents of personality (Skanda), whieh reside in eaeh man.

3. JHYAURE DANCE: This dance reflects the love between man and woman and creates an atmasphere for expressing one’s love. This is a very popular dance of all the ethnie groups of Nepal. This dance is very free and not restrieted to any time. Even during rice-plantation season it may be seen.

4. TAPPA: This is a popular faik danee from Dang distriet in western part of Nepaı. This dance is very interesting as the daneing partner; a boyand girl express their love and affectian through their rhythmic dance.

5. TAMANG SELO: The Tamangs an ethnic Community are settled all over the mid hills of Nepal. This dance is from the Tamang Community and is performed by the boys and girls in order to attraet each other. This danee is performed in accompaniment of the playing of a hand drum named “Damphu”. Tamang boys and girls wouldn’t miss the chances to tease each other and win the heart.

6. DHIMEY DANCE: This danee is very popular in Kathmandu, Lalitpur and Bhaktapur among the Newari Community. This dance is played with the heavy beating of drum ealled “Dhime” and is usually performed during the festival of Dashain in October­af ter they reap the good ri ce harvesİ. Newars are very expert in making wine from the rice. And as you will see, it is an opportunity for the girls to get the men drunk on home made ri ce wine “Aila” and have a good time daneing with them and merrymaking. Daneers dress with Daura-Surwal, half eoat and Bhadgaunli cap, and their females wear Haku patasi (black Sari), Cholo (special blouse) and white Shawl.

7. VAK & VETI DANCE: Most of you mustbe familiar with the legend of the Abominable Snowman, the Yeti who is believed to live in the Himalayas. Theyare very shy creatures and normally do not appear in front of people & around. Yak is a very lovable domestic animal from the Himalayas: people drink milk & alsa make use of it as a carrier of goods. This is the only animal, which can carry loads in high altitudes. This dance shows the congenial activities of the fabled Yeti and Yak together.

8.KAUDA DANCE: This group dance is alsa very popular among the Gurung and Magar communities, espeeially in Pokhara region. There are two different beats and rhythms in this dance. You will notice daneers mavements’ very harmonious with rhythm of the drumbeats.

9. BHOJPURI DANCE: This dance is famous all over Southeast parts of Nepal and performed during all major festivals. It is noted for graceful of body movements and faeial expressian. As Southern Nepal is warmer, the daneers wear light clothing. Alsa, the instruments are different, as is the st yle of dancing.

10. JHANKRI or the SHAMAN DANCE: In the villages of rural Nepal the peopte have great faith in the healing powers of Shamans and visit them for all their ailments.lt is believed that the Evil spirits can be driven away and sick people can be eured by the Jhankris (Shamans). This dance, whieh we are presenting taday, gives you a brief glimpse of the treatment being provided by a Shaman (Witch Doctor) to one of his patients who has come to him with a stomaeh ailment. The Shaman ereates a psychotic atmasphere by the rhythmic beats of his drum and incantations, whieh sends his patient into a trance. Once the patient comes out of the trance he is cu red.

11. SEBRU DANCE: This is a popular group danee of the Sherpa ethnic Community, dwellers on the foothills of the Himalayan range of Nepaı. As the Himalayan region’s elimate is very eold, you will notice Sherpas wearing heavily thick traditional dress called Bakkhu.ln Sherpa language “Se’ means Feet and “Bru” means rhythmic movements. During the dance, you will even notice women pretending to make tea and oftering it to men. Men and women dance together with a great joy. You may be familiar with the Sherpas, who are famous all over the world fortheir mountaineering skills.


12. DHIMAL: Dhimal are the ethnic community of Tarai – Southeast region of Nepal. The people living in that region live their livelihood from Fishery and agriculture. As this region is very hot in elimate, they wearvery lig ht dresses.

13. MANJUSHREE: Once upon a time Kathmandu valley was suppose to have been a big lake. The God Manjushree open up the southem side of the valiey,

so that the water eould flow out & the land become habitable. This dance ‘depicts this legend & the Buddhist priests generally pertorm this dance

14. JHUMRA: The Jhumra is based on a Sanskrit text, Geet Govinda. This dance is very popular in Tharu Community, a tribe living in a hot plain beit of Nepal. Jhumra is a group dance pertormed by the girls only. You will see daneers wearing a long red color gown and shaking their body postures in various ways according to the rhythms of the musie.

15. GAHIRI KHET: lt is a solo dance pertormed very charmingly by a teenager girl expressing her curiosity and happiness about the life.

16. MAYUR DANCE OR PEACOCK DANCE: Peacock dance is considered a holy bird of our country. It is suppose to the dancer of India’s palace. This bird gets thrilled, when the cloud starts gathering, with the sound of thunder it starts daneing. In this dance the artist try to copy the same in his own manner

17. LAKHE DANCE: This is a traditional mas k danee of Kathmandu.lt is pertorm during the festival of Indra jatra. During those old times, lots of children were killed by devil. After making consultation with the Astrologist, the solution to control was Lakhhe and the order given by king to lakhhe to kill the Devil immediately. After the Devil has been killed by the lakhhe people from kathmandu Newars celebrate this lakheefestival with adance program every year.

During the festival , many people with their family, children gather around the streets & temples to see cultural dances being pertormed. Lakhe ademi God who looks very dreadful and he appears in front of Kids during the street eultural program show. It is believed that even now any disease or evil sprit possessed in the children ean be driven away by the sight of the Lakhhe. Children do get very scared by the looks of the Lakhe.

18. TANA KISI: During the “Indra Jatra festival in Dasain, many people with their family, children gather around the streets & temples to see cultural dances being pertormed. During this period, in arderto create more excitements, “Tana Kisi” the id ol form of Elephant God appears from nowhere and disperses the crowd away for sometimes.

19. DOHARI: Dohari is a process of debate, communicating each other in form of song that takes place between unmarried men and women and it is only played during the festivals. Each time, a person is given in each interval of time and within a fraction of second he or she has to make an appropriate answer to the question in Iyrical form. This debate can go on for hours and hours, til! one party give it up. During this hour, there can be big crowd gathering to enjoy the youthful play of the actors.


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